Well I suppose I should start with a quick explanation of my illness first.
Almost three years ago I was diagnosed with cancer of the tongue and throat; they told me that it was inoperable but they were going to attack it with chemo and radiotherapy, little did I know that was 31 eight hour sessions in hospital and twice with a machine pumping chemo into me 24hrs a day for five days.
Thankfully I was given the all clear about two years ago,I have lived on the island for 33years have a son who is now 11,sadly his mother left me.
The treatment left me worse than ever and my weight has dropped from 78 kilos to 44 kilos.
As my voice was the tool of my trade (entertainer, singer, comedian, radio presenter, mc, actor) I got pensioned off by the government, and just like lots of Spanish found my pension was no way near what it should be, after all I had worked legally and paid tax here for over 30 years ,for 20 of those years with 2 jobs and my own business, paying lots of tax, only to be told that after the crisis the law had changed and I would receive less than half the money I was due.
It’s funny really, I spent all my life being an entertainer always being the one to make everyone laugh yet I found I had turned into a loner, started to not want to go out the house, I didn’t want people to visit. I was depressed yet I couldn’t understand why as I was given my life back (ok still very week and many side effects from the treatment) and could carry on seeing my amazing son grow up.
I continued through the depression for a year, when i pretty much went into meltdown, why?
After much contemplation I reached out to Cancer Support Group Mallorca and promptly met Krista Hyer, a wonderful lady, simply speaking to her is wonderful but Krista wasted no time in getting me on the right road.
With hesitation I went to art class on Monday (I am terrible at art and still am) it’s not so much about the art as for me its about getting out, socializing and the art class is full of wonderful people and I really enjoy it.
Krysta then suggested that I should meet up with Audrey to go on a “scio” Biofeedback machine. Again, skeptical I went and met the lovely Audrey who put me in this wired machine. I have been on the machine about 8/10 times and amazingly, I had a totally numb mix with painful pins and needles in the whole of my left arm and hand and right leg and foot, I am delighted with the results of this futuristic machine,so far I have complete return of feeling and no pins and needles in the whole of my right foot,and the same with three fingers on my left hand. Audrey also worked on many things including my fatigue, a very low immune system, brain function amongst many others, I find now I have far more energy and stamina, general feeling of well being.
I have started to eat solid food again slowly putting on weight, starting to feel human again and socializing. Krista then introduced me to another guy in the group and said that by meeting each other we could help each other as we are both in very similar situations. Thanks for also being a great matchmaker as M**** and I do have a lot in common, I enjoy greatly his company and he has become a great friend to me.
Next on the list is horses, Krista thinks that it would be very beneficial for my son and I to go visit some horses (I know this to be a great healer as my nephew has stables in Blackpool and he works with children and adults with special needs and horses have an amazing effect on them.
Basically, since I reached out to the ‘Cancer Support Group ‘ my life has just got better every day. I still have my bad days but feeing happy and confident most of the time.
Thank you Krista Hyer and the Cancer Support Group for everything you have done and are doing for me and my son. What you do does make a difference, you are amazing.
Thank you, Audrey, for all the time you spend with me on the machine and your wonderful attitude to life that rubs off onto others.
Thank you M**** for being a good friend and making it feel like I have known you for years and your helpfull, thoughtful way.